The Raft of the Crab

Puppet Design and Coaching

Ongoing collaboration 2021/2024

Actor, acrobat, contemporary dancer and stunt woman NINON NOIRET
explores 'the DARKER side of puppetry' with Gavin Glover for her new show 
about her experience of going through chemotherapy back in 2018.

Ninon performed the first version of the show at the BRAW FESTIVAL
at the end of her chemo (yes she worked through chemo) it was funny, it was moving
and watching her shin up and down her Chinese pole 5 metres in the air made
everyone sweat in amazement!
That show was 20 minutes, this new version will be an hour long.

In 2021 Ninon and her puppet MiniMe climbed some very windswept Scottish munros (munro = a Scottish mountain over 3000ft) to raise money for the creation of the show with 30% going to the charity Blood Cancer UK.

Please consider donating below and follow her journey on Facebook or Instagram


puppet making

body parts in the making

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