PotatoRoom productionscreated by Gavin Glover formerly from FaultyOptic Theatre of Animation |
Bloom’s odyssey is a pandemonium of live music, clowning, puppets, dancing, and bowler hats! It’s Ulysses as you’ve never imagined it before, a superb theatrical homage to Joyce’s chronicle of Dublin life.‘My ideal audience is people who always wanted to read the book but felt daunted. They may be surprised to find that it remains a book about themselves and people they know. They will not leave knowing everything about Joyce, no more than I’ll ever comprehend the fullness of his vision. But I hope they are sufficiently engaged by the human drama; by Bloom’s subtle triumphs; Molly’s all too human contradictions and Stephen’s isolation on the eve of departure, to again start to read this superb chronicle of our capital city: one of the greatest and truest novels of all time.’
The Cast 2017 Bryan Burroughs |
The Creative Team 2017 Written by - James Joyce